Kate Gosselin and family
It's been more than two years since Kate Gosselin and her brood of eight – twins Mady and Cara, 12, and sextuplets Alexis, Collin, Hannah, Joel, Leah and Aaden, 9 – appeared on their own TV series, and the single mom is decidedly humble about her circumstances. "I'm living very carefully these days," Gosselin tells PEOPLE in its latest issue, on newsstands Friday. Now that her TLC reality show is a thing of the past, the matriarch is making ends meet "piecing and patching together" an income from a variety of projects, she says.
For the former nurse, whose marriage to Jon Gosselin imploded on Jon & Kate Plus 8 in 2009 after a cheating scandal hit the tabloids, "To not have a reliable income is scary," she concedes. But Gosselin is quick to absorb some of the blame herself. "I made so many mistakes, of course," she says, admitting that her own diva-like behavior may have led to her current unemployed state.
Looking back on the heyday of her fame, and the scandal that surrounded her, "It feels like a whole other lifetime ago," she says. "And sometimes I don't even remember much of it. Both when the babies were first born and during the divorce, I was on survival mode. I feel like I've lived two lifetimes already. I'm not the same person I was ... I don't even recognize her. And while Kate says in the new issue of PEOPLE that she still doesn't fully agree with many of the choices Jon – who alternates between working IT jobs and selling energy-efficient products – has made, her ex is as capable of shrugging off her irritation as always.
Jon Gosselin: My Relationship with Kate Is 'Just Transportation and Logistics'
People.com: While Kate Gosselin is still adjusting to life away from the TV cameras, her former costar – and former husband – Jon Gosselin is quite happy outside the spotlight. Living in a small cabin roughly 30-minutes away from the house Kate shares with the kids, Jon is still miles away from the kind of adventure-packed life he used to have. "It's more rural, more of a farm community," he says of his home now. As for his activities with his kids, whom he sees once during the week and every other weekend, he says, "We have backyard barbecues, we go to Walmart."
Though the early days of sharing custody with Kate were fraught with legal wrangling and drama, these days Jon says his relationship with Kate is "civil." "We text. It's moved from email to text," he says. "We don't communicate that well, so it's better with text to leave emotion out of it. Really, all we're dealing with is just transportation and logistics." "I am way more laid back," he acknowledges. "If they make a mess? Oh well. I live in a cabin. It's not like it's an expensive floor. So what? We'll wash it." One thing he does have in common with Kate? Looming money woes. With the bulk of the money they made during the heyday of Jon and Kate Plus 8 either socked away for college or long-since spent, Jon realizes there are big bills ahead.
Though the early days of sharing custody with Kate were fraught with legal wrangling and drama, these days Jon says his relationship with Kate is "civil." "We text. It's moved from email to text," he says. "We don't communicate that well, so it's better with text to leave emotion out of it. Really, all we're dealing with is just transportation and logistics." "I am way more laid back," he acknowledges. "If they make a mess? Oh well. I live in a cabin. It's not like it's an expensive floor. So what? We'll wash it." One thing he does have in common with Kate? Looming money woes. With the bulk of the money they made during the heyday of Jon and Kate Plus 8 either socked away for college or long-since spent, Jon realizes there are big bills ahead.
"Feeding them is going to be super-expensive," he says. "I spent $450 last weekend on food. They ate four pounds of shrimp at a restaurant – who eats four pounds of peel-and-eat shrimp? It's almost comical. But they're great."
Just bought the People Magazine today. Its a really great read. The kids look amazing and GUESS WHAT HATERS? Incredibly happy, and well-adjusted. Go figure. I hope that everyone goes and picks it up the pics alone to see the kids so big makes me amazed that its been that long since the show has been on.
ReplyDeleteIm sorry to those having trouble posting. Please try again. Miss you all tell me how you are doing! xo
Hey Baby Mama! Thank you for the new post!! I got the People Magazine on my Nook. It's so nice to see the kids and how happy they all are. They sure have grown. That was a really nice article. Also it's such great news to hear about Kate's coupon site! I hope that works out well for her.
ReplyDeleteThe summer is going by so quickly. Partly because we had a blizzard on May 2nd so that really made for a late Spring.
Hellooooo...from way down south in Dixie! Sorry Im so absent from commenting much anymore. Life just seems to be getting more & more complex...anyone else notice that?
ReplyDeleteI've got a small average size family with a very supportive hubby...totally still in awe of how Kate does such a fantastic job pretty much all on her own!
And yes...BabyMama...how about the FACT that the kids are turning out just "wonderfully" as Kate would say! Happy, well adjusted despite the antics of a dead beat dad...so much credit to Kate for getting them through that nasty divorce...all the media hoopla...the loss of the show...all those perks the kids enjoyed...and yet look at them! Smiling, beautiful, healthy kids the whole world still loves to keep up with!
Love the fact that People Magazine still sees Kate as a "person of interest" and always treats her respectfully with their articles! Gorgeous pics in there for sure!
Hope all is well on your homefront! I know you BabyMama are a working gal, mother and wife and entrepeneur yourself. Best to you and all the posters here...shout out to LindaO...how are you my friend?
Hi Babymama and the rest of the regular posters here! Fired Up just like you my life has been busy. I'm back to raising a teenager again only it's my grandchild. For the past couple of years it's been one grandchild after another I've been fortunate enough to take under my wing. I can't even imagine what Kate has for her in the future with having 8 wonderful children but one thing is for sure, I expect she will have many grandchildren in her future to love and spoil like us grandmothers tend to do.
ReplyDeleteThe Gosselin children are growing so fast and time has passed by so quickly and soon Kate will have a household full of teenagers. The kids look happy and healthy and while I'm sure it's a financial struggle for Kate but she is still putting the kids first, making sure her children are getting a great education and meeting all their needs. Even more amazing she is doing on her own, but I do wish that one day Jon will help her more. I wish nothing but the best for Kate and her beautiful children in the future.
Hi Baby Mama and everyone, I had to laugh when I read that Jon spends over 300.00 on groceries for his brief time with the kids. When he has them he takes them out for supper and to Walmart. Can you imagine if he had full custody. Would they just move into WalMart??? Why would you take your kids to Walmart when you have such a short amount of time with them? If this is considered quality parenting, the haters must have very low standards. lol
ReplyDeleteWishing everyone well!
I was really wondering about why Jon needed to spend so much on food, especially since he says that the kids rarely all visit at the same time, then I saw his remark about eating out and it made sense. Lots of families can't afford to eat shrimp dinner out that have few children. He could easily get two two pund bags of Shrimp on sal and steam them with a salad and side dish, that for us is a special meal, but still a lot cheaper than eating out. Maybe he wants Kate to send the kids with pre made meals that he can just heat. They've already shown her needing to supply sleeping bags for his visits and a van to transport them. Lets see, next will she need to send a sitter along to watch them so he can go out. I am glad he is seeing them.
ReplyDeleteHey guys!So happy to see some old names here! Not that we are old or anything! LOL. From now on I will post when they're is some news to tell. People came out with a hot article today. So please follow me over for some fresh early paper and please share your thoughts! Off to back-to-school shopping with the kids! xo BM