So I guess why this particular relationship crumbling is so hard to see. In this day and age of Reality TV we become invested in people we see on our screens. We think of them perhaps as a far away family. You get to like someone and feel their pain. I remember watching Will Smith on Oprah a few years back. She asked him how he keeps his marriage strong with wife Jada. His response I never forgot.. "You literally take the word divorce out of the equation. You think in terms of forever, and then it makes you fight through it to fix it and make it work. Cause forever is a long time"....Yeah, I LOVE me some Will......
Kate Major Fights Back and Sucks Out Minute 14: Just Jared
On Jon saying he’s been true to Hailey all along: “I think she’s a little naive in terms of what happened between me and Jon. feel sad that he hasn’t always been true to Hailey.”
On advice for Hailey: “You’ll learn you were better off without him. Once a cheater, always a cheater.”
On Jon breaking up with her over text message: “Jon told me he needed to go to Massachusetts to meet Hailey and break up with her. Right when he left on July 23, he shut his phone off — and also shut himself off. Once he finally called me, I didn’t know the new person. He sounded upset and said he needed to be single right now. Then he sent me a message saying, ‘Do not contact me again".
Fox News Online Review Of Battleships & Barber By Tom ConroyTonight’s episode of “Jon & Kate Plus Eight” was another look at the couple’s life when they had begun to live separate lives but hadn’t yet announced they were divorcing. With the two parents dividing up the kids, it was probably the most peaceful episode ever.
Tonight’s episode of “Jon & Kate Plus Eight” was another look at the couple’s life when they had begun to live separate lives but hadn’t yet announced they were divorcing. With the two parents dividing up the kids, it was probably the most peaceful episode ever.It actually went back in time from last week’s show, which ended with Kate and the little kids returning from their vacation in North Carolina. This episode took place during the last week of the vacation.The two 8-year-old girls had already returned to Pennsylvania so they could finish the school year, although they didn’t really need to, according to Kate: “They’re at the top of their class,” she said, “so they don’t suffer academically.” They spent the episode visiting a game emporium with Jon. Kate, meanwhile, took the three 5-year-old boys to visit the battleship North Carolina in Wilmington, N.C. (The three little girls were presumably being watched by Ashley, the family friend who had accompanied Kate and the children on their vacation.)
Just like last week’s trip to the serpentarium, the battleship visit entailed a ferry-boat ride to the mainland, and like most episodes, it relied heavily on the little kids’ cuteness. The boys put on sailor hats upon arrival. They spent much of the time looking for bad guys, because there were guns on the ship. “When I grow up,” Joel told Kate, “I’m going to be a bad guy, and I’m not going to shoot you.” The boys also argued over what to call the artillery shells: Cannonballs? Bullets? Finally, one of them decided that “you can’t call them anything because nobody knows what they are.”
Kate told the camera that she always tries to build some kind of education into the family’s outings, but she also recommended battleship tours to parents who want to tire their children out. When she and the boys arrived at the battleship’s guns, which they were allowed to aim, the real world intruded. There was a line, said Kate, so “people who were there to see the battleship were suddenly there to see us.” Worse, some photographers were standing nearby taking pictures as the boys turned the gun cranks.
When it was time to ride go-karts, a production assistant had to get in one of the cars because the girls were too young to ride alone. It was the one time in the episode that another parent would have come in handy. Describing the go-karts, Jon told the camera, “I wish they were faster.” This was the one time that his voice or demeanor betrayed any enthusiasm at all. Contrast that with Kate, who’s always mugging for the camera and trying to be witty.
Jon’s TV highlights have always been his reactions to his overbearing spouse’s demands; his presence helped take her down a peg. If viewers won’t ever see the soon-to-be-ex-spouses interacting, the show will have lost much of its appeal. Right now, Kate seems to be the only real star of the show. Jon, Mady and Cara managed to enter and leave the games emporium without being bothered by the paparazzi. Evidently, no one wants a photo of Jon unless he’s with much older girls.
Jon & Kate Plus Aggravation...Posted Aug 19th 2009 2:00AM by TMZ Staff
We're told TLC is not happy with Jon Gosselin, but Jonnie boy may not care, because he has his sights set on a new show.
We're told Jon is in talks with a major production company -- Endemol -- to appear in a show called "Divorced Dads Club." We're told the show chronicles the lives of famous divorced fathers. We're told producers talked to Jon, but he's concerned about his TLC contract.
But Jon may still have a shot at the new show, because we're told TLC is not happy with his conduct lately on "Jon & Kate Plus 8." We're told they fired off a letter to him, claiming he was in violation of the morals clause of his contract, partly because he's been seen going in and out of bars and drinking.
We're told Kate is actually pulling up the slack Jon has created. She now has the kids more than 60% of the time and is increasingly involved -- even when she doesn't have physical custody -- because she's concerned for the children's welfare, emotionally and financially.
We're told all the money they made last season from "Jon & Kate Plus 8" went into a joint account. Jon and Kate each took a cut, but Jon spent his share. Kate put a big chunk of the money into a college fund for the kids, so not much was left over.
As for this season, sources say a judge gave Kate control of the family finances because she was deemed the more responsible party. Jon gets limited access to the account for basic stuff, and we're told he's not happy about it. Kate's people say Jon is making money on the side by selling pictures and stories of him and the kids to the tabloids.