Hannah Goes To Her Check-up With Daddy: Radar.com
Hannah Gosselin, the second oldest of the sextuplets, got all of daddy’s time Tuesday. The 5 year-old was dressed just like daddy Jon wearing jeans and a jacket for the cold weather in Wernersville, Pennsylvania. But Hannah’s jacket had a furry hood. Hannah went to her pediatrician for a check up then the pharmacy in the community of 2,000 residents. Jon’s been under the radar lately since the show went off the air late last year, but it’s good to see him back in the role of doting dad.
Jon Gosselin's Hair Revenge..Better Than Kates?: Hollywoodlife.com

Kate Gosselin, 34, has been getting lots of attention for her new ‘do (stylist Ted Gibson gave her extensions in January) and now Jon Gosselin, 32, wants to get his head in the spotlight, too. He showed off a new, styled hair cut Feb. 21 while playing with his kids at home in Reading, Pa., and we’re not going to lie… it’s an improvement! And with no (visible) Ed Hardy in his ensemble, could this be the start of a whole new transformation for Jon? We’re keeping our fingers crossed!
My Favorite Jon & Kate Episodes: Korean Dinner