Kate on Sirius radio with Christine and Molly's 'Broadminded' show
Kate Gosselin chatted with Christine Eads and Molly Dedham, hosts of SiriuxXM’s radio show Broadminded, on Friday morning. “The Broads” discuss a wide range of topics from sex, men, entertainment, to life in general. Some tidbits:
The haters did a dance of joy when they saw that one of the mothers from the show "Dance Moms" got upset when Kate mentioned the show on Twitter:
@Jxxxx um dance.. Yes. Um those horrible Dance moms? never ever ever!
@Dancemom1313 I heard you were bad mouthing our show "dance moms". I have always supported you and ur show! U should understand reality tv! I grew up in New Holland, PA so that's why I watched your show then I feel in love with your kids. I am not a bad Mom
Have you actually watched that show? Its AWFUL. Kate wasn't attacking what haters WISH was child exploitation, shes criticizing a nasty verbally abusive show with a dance studio that no one in their right mind should go to. GIVE IT UP HATERZ!
Jon has recently made his Twitter account public ironically as his contract with TLC is supposed to end in March. It's now officially verified. Why did THAT take so long? There were rumors that Kate was recently also at the TLC Headquarters in MD. Theres got to be a good back story behind this. I saw a lot of foul and defensive replies from him and that has to stop so the public will have more respect for him. Some of the less-than classy posts:
Jon Gosselin @jongosselin1
there is nothing to tell, so dont follow me. they had enough over the last 6 years.go ask the other parent im not saying sh*t
Jon Gosselin @jongosselin1
Jon Gosselin @jongosselin1
Trusting in others with out knowing the ramifications and outcomes that came with other peoples plans for me, whoops
Kate Gosselin Doles Out Traveling Tips: CelebrityBabyScoop.Com
Anticipating possible injuries and sickness is crucial. Therefore, Kate suggests packing a first-aid kit is essential for a smooth vacation. And there's no need to hit up your local Walgreens to purchase one either - Kate claims any waterproof plastic container filled with bandages and medicines from home does the trick just as well. "This has saved me many times when someone has a headache, a paper cut, an itchy rash or a bee sting!” she says.Finally, Kate recommends packing your children's suitcases with their pajamas and toothbrushes on top."I learned this a long time ago when we arrived at our hotel very late at night and I had eight very tired and grouchy kids on my hands,” she writes. “At that hour, I need instant gratification upon opening each bag.”