I used to be a huge fan of US Weekly, but after the ridiculous "Mom To Monster" headline, that was it for me. This week they are coming out with pictures of Jon with alleged woman Deanna. What angered me about this week wasn't even those pictures, but what they claim inside:
how he spent Valentine's Day buying shots for girls, TLC's staged "romantic" getaway that got canceled last minute because of Jon's affair, and Jon's appalling treatment of a babysitter. I find this type of reporting to be just sickening, vile and hurtful.
I had 2 phone interviews and several e-mail exchanges a few weeks back with
Rebecca Bienstock from US Weekly Magazine. She contacted right when the mess hit via e-mail. She was, as she claimed, looking to have a positive and supportive article come out about the
Gosselins and their struggle to work on their marriage. I was on the phone with Rebecca for quite a while, talking about my meetings with Kate and information about the family, that lead me to continue this new chapter of my fan site. She promised me that this information would be in the upcoming article. Well being naive, I spoke open and honestly about my sadness for this entire situation and my continued loyal support of Kate
Gosselin as well as other personal information. And now for weeks straight, article after article has been more nasty, more
snarky in tone, and more lies spread just to sell magazines. "Completely made up" sources to go with articles, and adding people that don't exists to make the stories sound better. Following up myself with a article that stated a
Gymboree employee said "Kate was mean & horrible", turned out to be a complete and utter lie. I know this because I know who the store manager is in the store that Kate shops in. And for the record PAID for her purchases. I received another e-mail from Rebecca yesterday. I basically told her to have a nice day.
Now the point in me discussing this is to prove a point..Not EVERYTHING you read is true. And even when they say Susie Q saw Kate being nasty, you don't know if it's really true, only hearsay. And while I must stress again that US Weekly does NOT pay for interviews, they DO pay and DID pay Deanna's brother several thousand dollars for his video and for photos. That is fact. Take it for what it's worth.
Jon Gosselin Defends Himself Against Animal Curelty AlligationsThere are some seriously sick individuals out there that look to stir up trouble anyway they can. When Jon spoke about his dogs and how well they interact with the kids, it only ONCE AGAIN took a few phone calls
to the media to twist it around...
a recent interview with People magazine,
Gosselin apparently intended to sing the praises of the German shepherds,
Shoka and
Nala, by saying that they put up with a lot from the eight
Gosselin children (8-year-old twins and 5-year-old sextuplets). "Those kids beat them up, climb on them, pull their tails, bite at them, drag them around and everything you can imagine not to do to an animal, they've done,"
Gosselin told the magazine."
From LA Times.com..they say:
It wasn't long before the Humane Society of Berks County, Pa., where the
Gosselins live, received about a dozen complaints from animal activists around the country, prompting
Gosselin to release a statement Friday to the organization about the care of his animals.
"I'd like to set the record straight," he said. "We understand the responsibilities of being good dog owners. Whenever my kids are with Shoka and Nala, everyone is carefully supervised to ensure that no one -- dog or child -- is injured. Shoka and Nala are loyal companions who we consider members of our family. We would never do anything to hurt them, and treat them with the respect and love that they deserve."
Karel I. Minor, executive director of the Humane Society of Berks County, told the Reading Eagle that his group had looked into the complaints, but found "no credible reason to believe in way that there is cruelty going on." Shoka and Nala were both properly licensed, Minor said, and a Gosselin family representative had agreed to forward the dogs' vaccination records to the agency.
New Sextuplets Show Tonight..Bad Timing??Calling themselves and their new show on tonight the "Not Jon & Kate" (yeah, o

f course not)
Bryan and Jenny Masche have watched as the marriage of Jon and Kate Gosselin has fallen apart on television, and they vow it won't happen to them. The Masches, along with their six kids, are the focus of WE TV's new series "Raising Sextuplets," and they're well-aware of the media-feeding frenzy that has befallen another TV family with multiples, the Gosselins.
And they're using it to their advantage. Jenny Masche told the Daily News: "Bryan says that it doesn't matter because we're a different family, but as a mom, I'm like, 'Oh my gosh, that's scary. How can we protect our family and do this and have fun without anything negative happening?' I think we're both wise enough to learn from those mistakes [of the Gosselins], instead of thinking, 'Well, that would never happen to us.' Read More HERE